On the Shoulders of Chicago Giants (Piotrowski 2022)

$75.00 Double Fan


On the Shoulders of Chicago Giants (Piotrowski 2022)

On the Shoulders of Chicago Giants (Piotrowski 2022)
($75 DF)

40", 6.5" EM Sev, Tet. 3-way branching, 18 buds. (Redclay Retro X Gimme Fever).
Vivid orange scarlet self with a wide yellow throat. Early blossoms are more "flat", later ones show recurved petals that sometimes twist; sepals recurve at their tips. Registered as an unusual form. This daylily honors the many pioneering hybridizers who were in the Chicago area. Looking at the lineage of this plant will uncover names such as Kraus, Fay, Hall, Griesbach, and Reckamp. Many gardeners and daylily hybridizers are grateful for their accomplishments.

Contact Info

Redclay Daylilies and Peonies
Greg Piotrowski

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